Welcome to the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship Forum (CwPAMS) through which we will share skills and knowledge between multidisciplinary NHS teams, including or led by pharmacists with hospitals in Ghana Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, and expand capacity for antimicrobial stewardship.
CwPAMS supports bidirectional learning with a focus on:
- antimicrobial stewardship, including surveillance
- infection prevention control
- antimicrobial pharmacy expertise and capacity
The aims of CwPAMS are to:
- Highlight existing international expertise in AMS to partnerships to support the application of existing guidance documents and frameworks in their practice
- Support partnerships in sharing learning and knowledge with others
- Foster long term collaborations
- Share learning, resources and knowledge around AMS or systems in and between host countries and with UK
- Enable volunteers to CwPAMS partnerships and reach out to them as needed
- Provide easy access to CwPAMS tools and resource kits
- Allow partners and the national pharmacy associations to share expertise and opportunities for volunteers
- Open discussions as to how CwPAMS initiatives can have lasting impact, such as contributing to CPD provided by professional bodies
- Help partnerships gather data, feedback on the scheme, and improve the support we can offer partnerships in any future schemes.